With over 30 years of experience in basic research, technology development, prototyping, and product commercialization, we at M.E.C. are ideally suited to perform contract R&D for universities and medical research organizations.
We believe in taking a creative approach to innovation and tailoring it to your specific requirements. From fundamental research to leading-edge products, MEC is a recognized leader in the fields of:
Please contact us (info@mecbelux.com) to discuss how we can help you succeed in achieving your goals and meeting your R&D challenges.
Some studies performed with our equipments:
European Space Agency
ESA Parabolic Flight Campaigns
Chests wall shape and motion in microgravity
Paiva, M., et al., Lung volumes and chest wall mechanics during short periods of microgravity, ESA EWP 1510, pags. 6-21
Neck and Abdominal Muscle Activity in Patients with Severe Thoracic Scoliosis
Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med., Volume 158, Number 2, August 1998, 452-457
The flow interruption technique for measuring respiratory resistance
Journal of Critical Care, Volume 6, Issue 4, Pages 227-238
Rib cage and diaphragm-abdomen compliance in humans: effects of age and posture
Mechanism of relief of dyspnea after thoracocentesis in patients with large pleural effusions.
Am J Med. 1983 May;74(5):813-9.
Variability in lung elasticity measurements in normal humans
Yernault JC, Noseda A, Van Muylem A, Estenne M
Am Rev Respir Dis. 1983 Nov;128(5):816-9